it is about conviction....
From the beginning it has been kept in fundamental mind the order of the art of the expressions, in fact, so that the musician finds his own expression playing a J^X (hjuosh) designed and built to his measure and even so that the given work is worthy of calling himself work of art.

Real Scarab hjuosh© on blue ambar sphere

Real Scarab hjuosh© on blue ambar sphere
finest materials
Finest Tone Woods with even a Certificate of Authenticity, always thinking on environment and selecting the right custom lumber cuts.
pickups and
For each different and distinctive timbre, implementing the individual design of the electronics for each different voice.
A piece that is guaranteed for life, with a record of artwork copyrighted to the individual to whom it was designed.
easy financing
Several payment methods and facilities for 6 to 10 months of construction, providing an opportunity to create together the dream piece.
the highest sound
Especially the distinctiveness between each instrument with the guarantee -growl hjuosh©-
unique ergonomic
What is essential to build
a piece of art to the extent
of a musician. Any
instrument is no equal to
another, just like any

hjuosh is Luthier.
Gustavo Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba Gomez

hjuosh© Productions.
Juan de la Barrera 112 Col. Condesa. 06140 Mexico DF.
Whatsapp: 5512389950 Email:hjuosh@gmail.com